9 media articles to explore.
Surrey Pavilion 102+Park
Model by Open Gate Architectural Scale Model. Photography by Oliver Rathonyi Reusz
The Great Blue Semiah
A monumental steel silhouette of a heron strolling through the neighbourhood on the way to the beach.
Aurora Borealis Lumbermen’s Building
Farrell’s paintings create optical images and illusions through the use of colour and shape.
Port Moody Mural Outpost
Illustrating key attributes of Port Moody’s people, landmarks and lifestyle.
Wall Trellis Hue
A simple economy of materials reminiscent of mid-century aesthetic ideals.
Jewel Box Söenhaus
A Platonic structure in the landscape, an integral aspect of Söenhaus’ aesthetic conception.
Building Stories Mirabel
In celebration of Richard’s 53rd impactful year of work in the City of Vancouver.
Building Legacy West Coquitlam
Two landmarks at Burquitlam’s most important intersection.
Special Venture hue
Evolving the traditional ‘PC’ (presentation centre) into a platform for community building.
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